1. Provider Portal
    Helping providers measure regimen adherence.
    TECHMEDS® is here to provide the best adherence-based pharmacy and telehealth alerting and monitoring services available to those in your care. Our telehealth technology allows anyone authorized by our client to have access to their medication profile and data related to the CareProgram™ the client is on. Once a new client starts with us, everything from refills and deliveries to prior authorizations and medical alerts are carefully scheduled, tracked, and communicated to those in the circle of care.
  2. The TECHMEDS®
    Adherence based pharmacy services, we've got an app for that!
    • Detailed prescription and medication information
    • Discrete medication reminders alert patients when it’s time to take their meds
    • Calendar appointments and receive appointment reminders
    • Track lab results
    • Allows friends, loved ones, or others to lend support if medications are not taken as prescribed
    • Completely integrated with the pharmacy
    • Allows for increased coordination among patients, doctors, third-party payers, pharmacies, and other stake-holders

    To order call TECHMEDS at (949) 502-4940
  3. CarePacks
    Med Adherence, Made Easy
    CarePacks medications are carefully organized by date and time to make taking the right meds at the right time simple and easy.


TECHMEDS® and our network of pharmacies are here to help you enjoy a healthy life. For those with chronic conditions, achieving your best health starts with taking your medications as prescribed by your doctor. Seemingly small variations from your care plan can negatively affect your health in significant ways.

We start with our compliance packaging called CarePacks. By organizing and clearly labeling your meds by date and time, we make it easy to know which meds to take when. Our CareApp will then remind you when it is time to take your medication. As you use the CareApp, the people in your circle of care can be updated in real time regarding your medication use. This allows your care team to support you when help is needed, and gives them the tools they need to tailor your care plan to you.

For many of us, adhering to our medication regimen is the foundational piece that our health is built on, and we can’t afford to make mistakes. Let TECHMEDS show you how easy it can be to take the right meds at the right time.



TECHMEDS® utilizes technology to improve health outcomes for your patients. Central to our mission is our CareApp, which is always at your patients’ side to provide reminders for medications and appointments. Equally important to the reminders are the data reported from the CareApp to providers.

Real-time data allows for your patients to receive real-time interventions to resolve potential compliance problems before they escalate into more serious health complications.

In our Provider Portal, you can review your patients’ complete medication profile including compliance levels and medications prescribed by other doctors to help you make more informed recommendations regarding your patients’ care.

TECHMEDS sees exciting new opportunities for improved care through better coordination among stakeholders, and it all starts with technology.



Can drug manufacturers play a role in helping patients using their drugs achieve better health outcomes? Can third-party payers further improve patient health while reducing the cost of care? Can pharmacy benefit managers offer their clients unique services that make a difference for their clients and the patients they serve? Can independent pharmacies increase their market share and lower their costs while offering new, meaningful value-added services?

The answer to all of these questions is “Absolutely.” Let’s work together to improve your patients’ lives and improve your bottom line.


Darin A. Peterson

President & CEO


(949) 483-8367



17972 Sky Park Circle

Suite G

Irvine, CA 92614

(949) 502-4940​